Reiki Koko Brill Reiki Koko Brill

How to Quarantine

Hi friends,

Today I thought I’d discuss some healthy ways to quarantine. As a bit of an introvert, the last two weeks have been okay for me, however I couldn’t have done it alone. I’m lucky to have an awesome “quaranteam” partner and three great roommates (and 3 dogs!) in my shared housing situation. I think it would be a lot more difficult alone. Nonetheless, I’m getting a bit stir-cray and would love to be able to go to a restaurant, a bar, or just basically ANYWHERE to get some socialization and outside energy.

Hi friends,

Today I thought I’d discuss some healthy ways to quarantine. As a bit of an introvert, the last two weeks have been okay for me, however I couldn’t have done it alone. I’m lucky to have an awesome “quaranteam” partner and three great roommates (and 3 dogs!) in my shared housing situation. I think it would be a lot more difficult alone. Nonetheless, I’m getting a bit stir-cray and would love to be able to go to a restaurant, a bar, or just basically ANYWHERE to get some socialization and outside energy.

I thought I would share some things that are keeping me sane during this insane time.

  1. Working out - like I said yesterday, I have been taking classes by donation with my personal trainer, Mikala at “Worthy of Strength”. She is offering classes on Zoom for the time being and I am so sore (in a good way) even two days later. Ouchie wa waaaa. Check her out! The endorphins that flow with physical activity are so important for my mental health. I feel like a new person every time I complete a workout.

  2. Getting fresh air - obviously I have a doggo who needs lots of walks but being able to get out with her and just breathe some fresh air is really important to me. I practice social distancing and have found that most other dog owners are respectful of this as well, for example, stepping off the trail to ensure that 6+ feet of distance is between passing walkers. If you don’t have a dog, just go step out onto your lawn in your bare feet and ground yourself. Take a few deep breaths and recognize that everything is going to be okay.

  3. Learn - now is the perfect time to reflect on your life and expand your mind. Maybe you have been laid off or are working from home on limited hours. Why not look into some educational webinars, podcasts or books. What is something you have wanted to try for a long time but have always had the excuse of “not having enough time” to do? Try yoga, pick up your old guitar, teach your dog some new tricks, sew a mask, make some jewellery, learn a language! I have never seen so much content creation - live videos and tutorials in EVERYTHING are absolutely abundant. Take advantage of it.

  4. Eat healthy - I will be the first one to admit that my diet has taken a turn for the worse during these last few weeks. If you’re able to get to the grocery store, pick up some produce! Have something fresh! I feel so much better after a green smoothie or big salad. By all means, treat yourself to some goddamn pizza (I sure have….) but maybe not every day. By nourishing your guts, you nourish your soul.

  5. Reiki - these are HEAVY times for the world as a collective and each individual. I will soon be offering distance sessions for those who would like some energetic work. Even after treating myself, I felt incredibly relaxed and renewed. I would love to be able to offer that feeling to you, my clients. By focusing on your own energetic output, you assist the world during this collective raising of frequency.

  6. Be a lunatic - this one comes easy to me but in all seriousness, it’s important. We need to take the time to allow ourselves to be silly and laugh. Return to your inner child and find your sense of play. Do not let any one tell you that this is immature, or not appropriate with the world in this state. It is a sign of spiritual evolution to be able to view the world with a child-like sense of wonder. I have shared endless laughs over the last couple of weeks from playing boardgames with my roommates to practicing stupid TikTok dance videos and singing old 90s songs.

I hope you are all taking good care and please reach out if you have any questions or need anything. I am here for you!

“Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the worlds.” -Rumi

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Koko Brill Koko Brill

Peace & Panic

I know I’m not alone when I’m feeling alllllll of the feelings lately. This pandemic has turned the world upside-down and the uncertainty and fear is palpable. Take time to ground yourselves, practice connecting to your breath, and stay active. The endorphins from exercise have been a huge help for me.


I know I’m not alone when I’m feeling alllllll of the feelings lately. This pandemic has turned the world upside-down and the uncertainty and fear is palpable. Take time to ground yourselves, practice connecting to your breath, and stay active. The endorphins from exercise have been a huge help for me. I’ve been taking classes online with my personal trainer pal,  Worthy of Strength


On the other end of the spectrum, I feel very connected in some ways. I’m more grateful than ever for my friends and family and feel a collective increase in frequency as a response to the entire world experiencing this together. What are you doing that makes you feel well and good during these trying times!? 


Stay safe, and eat some pizza!! 🍕✌️

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